Program Committee


Carrie Beneš, New College of Florida (History)

Nova Myhill, New College of Florida (English)

Please send all enquiries to

Members of the Committee

Malena Carrasco, New College of Florida (Art History)

Melodie Eichbauer, Florida Gulf Coast University (History)

Chrystine Keener, Ringling College of Art & Design (Art History)

Anne Latowsky, University of South Florida (French)

T.J.H. McCarthy, New College of Florida (History)

Nassima Neggaz, New College of Florida (Islamic Studies/Religion)

Eric Nemarich, New College of Florida (History)

David Rohrbacher, New College of Florida (Classics)

In memoriam: Greg Milton and Fiona Tolhurst

The Conference is grateful to the New College Provost's Office, the Divisions of Humanities and Social Sciences, the New College Foundation, the Office of Communications & Marketing, and Educational Technology Services for technical and logistical support.