
The twenty-second biennial New College Conference on Medieval & Renaissance Studies took place 3–5 March 2022.


Thursday, 3 March 2022

9:00–10:30 am Sessions 1–5

Coffee Break

10:45 am–12:15 pm    Sessions 6–10


2:00-3:30 pm Sessions 11–15

Coffee Break

3:45–5:15 pm Sessions 16–20

5:30-7:00 pm Conference Reception

Cook Hall Bayfront

Friday, 4 March 2022

9:00–10:30 am Sessions 21–25

Coffee Break

10:45 am–12:30 pm    Sessions 26–30

Lunch Session 31 (1:00 pm, Snook)

2:15-3:30 pm Plenary I: Writing the History of Saladin

Jonathan Phillips, Royal Holloway, University of London

4:00-5:30 pm Tours: John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art

5:00-6:30 pm Ringling Reception

    Dwarf Garden, Visitors' Pavilion, Ringling Museum

Saturday, 5 March 2022

9:00–10:30 am Sessions 32–36

Coffee Break

10:45 am–12:00 pm    Plenary II: The Habitation of Airy Nothings

Mary Floyd-Wilson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


2:00–3:30 pm Sessions 37–41

Coffee Break

3:45–5:15 pm Sessions 42–46

5:30–7:00 pm Plenary III: Dante between Dread and Hope

Lorna Goodison, University of Michigan

in conversation with Dennis Looney

Sponsor: The Dante Society of America

7:00–8:00pm Dante Society Reception

Sainer Pavilion Portico


The fish names in parentheses after each session title—Corvina, Grouper, Marlin, Snook, Tarpon—correspond to the five breakout rooms in Sudakoff Center and in our Zoom meeting. 
We look forward to seeing you soon, in person or virtually!

1. Relics: Meaning, Narrative, and Social Function (Snook)

Chair: Tanya Stabler Miller, Loyola University Chicago

Linking Charlemagne with Frederick Barbarossa and Beatrice through Images in Aachen

Daphna Bendull, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Girl on Fire: How the Relics of St. Genevieve Manifested Power, Threat, and Identity in Paris

Emily Heimerman, University of New Mexico

Frames Within Frames: Renewing Siena's Arm Relic of Saint John the Baptist

Tim Smith, Birmingham-Southern College

2. Re-Reading Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Grouper)

Chair: Carla María Thomas, Florida Atlantic University

The (Mis)Reader of the Stars: Abusing the Arcane in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

Shannon K. Valenzuela, University of Dallas

Chaucer’s Litel Clergeon in “The Prioress’ Tale”: Establishing an Historicist Frame for Childhood (withdrawn)

Daniel F. Pigg, The University of Tennessee at Martin

Disruptive Empathy in Chaucer’s Fabliaux

Daniel Murtaugh, Florida Atlantic University

3. Working from the Margins: Agency and Dissent in Early Modern Italy (Corvina)

Organizer: Alison Williams Lewin, Saint Joseph's University

Chair: Robin Vose, St Thomas University

Burned But Not Forgotten: Hus Underground in Italy

Alison Williams Lewin

“What’s in a name?” Identifying Clerical Servants and Concubines in Ferrara, 1421

Roisin Cossar, University of Manitoba

Women in the Groves of Academe

Paola Giuli, Saint Joseph's University

4. The Power and Perils of Unsanctioned Healing in Early Modern Europe and the Atlantic World (Tarpon)

Organizer: Anna Nelson Bennett, Georgia State University

Chair: Miriam Wallace, New College of Florida

The Healer, the Patient, and the Venetian Inquisition: Sick Bodies as Sites of Power in Early Modern Spiritual Healing

Anna Nelson Bennett

Chymical Medicine as Practice: Gershom Bulkeley’s Spiritual Laboratory and Parlor Patients

George Elliott, Brown University

5. New Conversations with the Classical Past in Early Modern Drama (Marlin)

Chair: Nova Myhill, New College of Florida

The Platonic Politics in Hamlet

Erich D. Freiberger, Jacksonville University

Shakespeare's Gonzalo and the Phrygian Pagan Attis Cult Religion in The Tempest

Liam O. Purdon, independent scholar

Imitation and Narcissism in Ben Jonson’s Cynthia’s Revels

Isaac Hui, Lingnan University, Hong Kong


6. Spain and the New World: Identity and Being in the Visual Arts (Snook)

Chair: Katherine Brion, New College of Florida


Why Does Limbo Exist in the New World?

Ana Girard, University of Houston

Jusepe de Ribera’s Otherness: Identity and Representation in Early Modern Iberian and Neapolitan Art

Lisandra Estevez, Winston-Salem State University

The Art of Painting Polychrome Sculpture in Seventeenth-Century Spain

Ilenia Colon Mendoza, University of Central Florida


7. Salvation and Judgment in Middle English Literature (Grouper)

Chair: Cameron Hunt McNabb, Southeastern University

To Dread or Not to Dread: Judgment in The Owl and the Nightingale

Carla María Thomas, Florida Atlantic University

On the Right Path: Reading Pearl as a Transformative Travel Narrative

Mona Abousidou, McGill University

The Possibilities of Post-mortem Marian Mercy in the Later Middle Ages

Mary Dzon, University of Tennessee


8. Law and Legal Documentation in Medieval Italian Society (Corvina)

Chair: Peter Sposato, Indiana University, Kokomo


Presbiter et notarius: The Place of Notaries in the Medieval Commercial Revolution

Elena Shadrina, Harvard University

Who Accused Men of Rape in a Thirteenth-Century Court, and Why? (withdrawn)

Carol Lansing, University of California, Santa Barbara

Inheritance Law in Florence and the Medici, Round Two

Thomas Kuehn, Clemson University


9. Medieval Texts and Their Sources: On the Shoulders of Giants (Tarpon)

Chair: Jonathan Phillips, Royal Holloway, University of London


Free Will and Grace: Method and Model in Anselm’s De concordia

Marcia Colish, Yale University

Critical Thinking: Frutolf of Michelsberg and the Historian's Analytical Craft

T. J. H. McCarthy, New College of Florida

The French William of Tyre and Saint Louis: An Appraisal of Henry Yates Thompson MS 12

Philip Handyside, University of Central Florida


10. The Politics of Kingship in the Jacobean Court (Marlin)

Chair: Tim Turner, University of South Florida, Sarasota–Manatee


Pious Fires in Fletcher’s Bonduca

Kara Rush, Virginia Tech

“Our virtues lie in th’interpretation of the time”: Coriolanus on the Contested Court Stage

Gabriel Lonsberry, Jacksonville State University

Royal Masque, Remarkable Paradox: The Theater of Apollo (BL MS Royal 18 A LXX)

Eliza Fisher Laskowski, William Peace University


11. Image, Matter, and Meaning in Medieval Treasured Objects (Snook)

Organizer: Therese Martin, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid

Chair: Sarah Cartwright, John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art


A Closer Look at Golden Remains on Cross-Cultural Objects in Iberian Ecclesiastical Treasuries

Therese Martin

Judging a Book by Its Cover: A Gendered Approach to Western Medieval Treasure Book Bindings

Marta Redondo de Fuenmayor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Codex as Treasury: Metallic Allusion and Illusion in Manuscript Illumination

Shannon L. Wearing, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto


12. Reimagining Female Agency in French Text and Image (Marlin)

Chair: Anne Latowsky, University of South Florida


The Thread Count of Myths: A Material Ecocritical Reading and Genre Exploration of the Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries

Sarah Burt, St Louis University

Feminine Denaturing in the Fourteenth-Century Chanson d’Aventure Lion de Bourges

Ashley Holt, Louisiana State University

Mise-en-page as Non-Diegetic Interplay: The Example of BN MS Fr 2253, Anne de Graville’s Belle Dame Sans Mercy mis en rondeaux

Joan E. McRae, Middle Tennessee State University


13. Sickness, Censorship, and Sumptuous Living: Mendicant Interventions in the Late Medieval Mediterranean (Corvina)

Organizer & Chair: Emily Graham, Oklahoma State University 

Una crudele pestilentia: Plague and the Friars in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Italy

Lezlie Knox, Marquette University

Saint Bernardino and the Flesh of the Vain Life

Noah Cole, Florida State University

A Little Censorship Among Friars: The Mendicant (and Related) Targets of Nicholas Eymeric

Robin Vose, St Thomas University


14. Women and Law Courts in the Renaissance: Contested Findings and Future Directions (Tarpon)

Organizer & Chair: Caroline Castiglione, Brown University


The Performative Nature of Law: Generating Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century Italy

Giovanna Benadusi, University of South Florida

Legal Strategies and Politics in the Lawsuits of Noblewomen in Piedmont

Catherine Ferrari, West Virginia University

Vendetta Violence, Inheritance Practices, and Women’s Legal Agency in Early Modern Italy

Amanda G. Madden, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University


15. Representing the Other in Early Modern Drama (Grouper)

Chair: Mary Floyd-Wilson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Jewish Corporeal Denigration in English Renaissance Drama

Becky S. Friedman, University of Pennsylvania

Seeing is Believing: Ghosts, Sight, and Fear in Early Modern Theater

Savannah Jensen, University of Georgia

“Bravely this harpy hast thou performed”: Textual Reconstruction of Ariel’s Harpy

Susan Rojas and Rebecca Totaro, Florida Gulf Coast University


16. Baroque Rome: Designing Villas, Collecting Pictures (Snook)

Organizer: Franco Mormando, Boston College

Chair: Debra Murphy, University of North Florida


The Esquiline Villa of Cardinal Nerli

Sarah McPhee, Emory University

Designing Villas with the Roman Vigna: The Hybridic Grand Gardens of Seicento Rome between Local and International

Mirka Beneš, University of Texas at Austin

Bernini's Painting Collection: A Reconstructed Catalogue Raisonné

Franco Mormando, Boston College


17. Teaching Medieval Literature in Translation (Marlin)

Organizer: Deborah M. Sinnreich-Levi, Stevens Institute of Technology

Chair: Gale Sigal, Wake Forest University


Courtly Love and the STEM Student: Teaching [the Language of] French Medieval Romances to Techie Students

Deborah M. Sinnreich-Levi

Making the Middle Ages Modern: Translation in the Classroom

Julie Human, University of Kentucky

The Gospel of Margery: Editing, Translating, and the Making of a Medieval Woman

Christina M. Carlson, Iona College

Teaching The Romance of the Rose to an English-Speaking Public

Anne-Helene Marie Miller, University of Tennessee, Knoxville


18. Negotiating Morality in Medieval & Renaissance Italy (Corvina)

Chair: Elizabeth McCahill, University of Massachusetts, Boston


Usury, Dante, and the Birth of Capitalism: Or, Would Dante Send One to Hell for Making Money?

Alexander Schmid, Louisiana State University

Military Service and Traditional Elite Identity in Late Medieval Florence

Peter Sposato, Indiana University Kokomo

Whether it is Better to Be Loved or Feared:  The Statecraft of Borso d’Este in Light of Machiavelli’s Prince

Richard M. Tristano, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota


19. The University of Paris and the Wider World (Tarpon)

Chair: T.J.H. McCarthy, New College of Florida


The Use of Law by Mendicant-Theologians at the University of Paris in the Thirteenth Century: Thinking about the Division of the Faculties

Melodie H. Eichbauer, Florida Gulf Coast University

Conversion, Reform, and Urban Development in Thirteenth-Century Paris

Tanya Stabler Miller, Loyola University, Chicago

The Madness and Beauty of Violent Love: Richard of St Victor’s De quatuor gradibus violentae caritatis

Kenneth John Hoyt, Marquette University


20. “Civilizing” Early Modern Ireland: English History, Policy and Crusade Literature (Grouper)

Organizer: Thomas Herron, East Carolina University

Chair: Joel Davis, Stetson University


Sir Henry Sidney: Chivalric Knight or Natural Born Killer? (withdrawn)

Jean Brink, Huntington Library

Reformed Courtiers: Spenser, Bryskett, and the Dynamics of Civility and Courtesy in Early Modern Ireland

Denna Iammarino, Case Western Reserve University

St George on Irish Crusade: Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, Book I

Thomas Herron

21. Maternal Connections: Portrayals of Generosity, Mercy, Compassion and Grief Inspired by Medieval and Early Modern European Art and Text (Snook)

Organizer: Elizabeth Alker Lisot-Nelson, University of Texas at Tyler

Chair: Kimberly Dennis, Rollins College


The Virgo Lactans and Christ as a Mother: Suor Plautilla Nelli’s Last Supper

Chrystine L. Keener, Ringling College of Art and Design

Bonaventurian Divine Emanation in Federico Barocci’s Madonna del Popolo (1575-79): Images of Motherly Intercession, Charity and Grace

Elizabeth Alker Lisot-Nelson

Mothers in the Fatherland: The Use of Medieval and Renaissance Maternal Imagery in the Work of Käthe Kollwitz

Kaia Magnusen, University of Texas at Tyler


22. Perspectives on The Globe: Digitizing Text, Imagery, and Maps from Manuscripts of Dati’s La sfera, ca 1425 (Marlin)

Organizer: Carrie Beneš, New College of Florida

Chair: Amanda Madden, George Mason University


Assessing Audience in the Manuscript Tradition of Gregorio Dati’s La sfera

Carrie Beneš

The Digital Transcription of Diagrams in Medieval Manuscripts: Dati’s La sfera as a Case Study

Stephanie Lahey, University of Toronto, & Benjamin Kozlowski, independent scholar

Digital Traveling: Maps in Dati’s La sfera

Caterina Agostini, Princeton University


23. Pushing the Bounds of Respectability in Medieval & Renaissance Italy (Tarpon)

Chair: Joëlle Rollo-Koster, University of Rhode Island


Food, Sex, and Sociability in Florentine Taverns

Konrad Eisenbichler, University of Toronto

Half-Pirate, Half-Merchant, Half-Subject? English Seafarers in the Grand Duke's Navy, 1590–1640

Lisa M. Lillie, Maryville University of St. Louis


24. Class Tensions in High and Late Medieval England (Corvina)

Organizer: Boyd Breslow, Florida Atlantic University

Chair: Ben Dodds, Florida State University


The Political Consciousness of the Baronage in the Period of Magna Carta

Ralph V. Turner, Florida State University

Robert de Kelsey: London Politician and Royal Servant

Boyd Breslow

Promotion and Peril in Administrative Service: Northern England, 1300–1500

Peter L. Larson, University of Central Florida


25. Shakespeare & the Conditions of Influence (Grouper)

Organizer: Sara Munson Deats, University of South Florida

Chair: John Wright, independent scholar


Shakespeare and Cultural Influence: Mortality and Death in the Sonnets

Robert A. Logan, University of Hartford

Shaping Othello: Exploring Influence

Ann McCauley Basso, University of South Florida

Shakespeare and the Triangular Influence of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus

Sara Munson Deats


26. Material Culture: Power, Protection, and Decoration (Snook)

Chair: Malena Carrasco, New College of Florida


Spinning Gender in Medieval Art

Carlee Bradbury, Radford University

Diabolical Devices: The Perception of Gunpowder Weapons in Medieval European Society

Robert Holmes, independent scholar

Accessories to Violence

Jessen Kelly, University of Utah

Early Sixteenth-Century Silver-Stained Glass at The Ringling

Sarah Cartwright, The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art


27. Sense and Senefiance in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy and France (Marlin)

Chair: Laura Morreale, independent scholar


Reflections on Medieval Concepts of Iconography

Peter Scott Brown, University of North Florida

Tristan's Heraldic Device: Intersections of Literature, Decorative Arts and History

Gloria Allaire, University of Kentucky

The Translator's Dilemma: Two Examples in the Franco-Italian Huon d'Auvergne

Shira Schwam-Baird, University of North Florida


28. Performance and the Senses in the Late Middle Ages (Tarpon)

Organizer: Joëlle Rollo-Koster, University of Rhode Island

Chair: Melodie Eichbauer, Florida Gulf Coast University


The Soundscape of the Medieval Italian City: Towards a Social History of Sound

Edward Coleman, University College, Dublin

Performing Legitimacy during the Great Western Schism (1378–1417)

Joëlle Rollo-Koster

Performing Piracy in the Middle Ages: Admirals and Pirates

Kathryn Reyerson, University of Minnesota


29. Islam between East and West (Corvina)

Chair: Michael Decker, University of South Florida


Revolting in the Late Medieval Middle East (1200–1500)

Nassima Neggaz, New College of Florida

The Pseudo-Arabic That Wasn't: The Allure and Misfortune of an Arabic Calligraphic Motif in Christian Contexts

Esra Akin-Kivanc, University of South Florida

The Quran in the Defense of the Anglican Church: John Gregory (1607–46)

Nabil Matar, University of Minnesota


30. Beyond Bureaucracy: Notaries as Poets, Storytellers, and Dissidents in Late Medieval Italy (Grouper)

Organizer: Lorenzo Caravaggi, University of East Anglia

Chair: Alison Williams Lewin, Saint Joseph's University


Performing Uncertainty through Literary (Re)Creation: Itinerant Notaries and “Judicial Novellas” in Trecento Italy

Lorenzo Caravaggi

Trustworthy Lovers: Poems and Contracts in the Memoriali Registers of Bologna

Sarina Kuersteiner, University of Haifa

Conflicted Bureaucrats: Notaries of the “Court of Rebels” in Fourteenth-Century Lucca

Eric Nemarich, Harvard University


31. Remembering Phil: A Roundtable Discussion about Charity, Medicine, and Religion in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy in Memory of Philip R. Gavitt (Snook)

Organizer: Beth Petitjean, St Louis University

Moderator: George Dameron, St Michael’s College


Beth Petitjean

George Dameron

Thomas Kuehn, Clemson University

Dru Swadener, St Louis University

Konrad Eisenbichler, Victoria College, University of Toronto


32. Artistic Transitions: Visual Considerations and Transformations (Snook)

Sponsor: The Association for Textual Scholarship in Art History

Organizer: Liana De Girolami Cheney, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Chair: Chrystine Keener, Ringling College of Art & Design


Interpreting Giovanni Bellini’s Madonna of the Meadow (c. 1505) as Meditation on The Imitation of Christ

Brian D. Steele, Texas Tech University

Revisiting The Holy Family with the Young St. John the Baptist

Debra Murphy, University of North Florida

Giorgio Vasari’s Tomb of Michelangelo: A Spiritual Celebration

Liana De Girolami Cheney


33. Roundtable: Digital Humanities in the Fifteenth-Century Mediterranean: The #lasferachallenge and Beyond (Marlin)

Organizer & Chair: Carrie Beneš, New College of Florida


La sfera and the Birth of the Transcription Challenge Framework

Laura Morreale, independent scholar

The Globe (The Sphere? The World?): A Communal Translation of La sfera

Monica Keane, independent scholar

Spheres of Influence: Dati's La sfera as Intertext

Laura Ingallinella, Wellesley College

Dati’s La sfera in Context: Florentine and Italian Travel in Textbooks, Manuals, and Memoirs

Elena Brizio, Georgetown University, Fiesole campus


34. Confessors and Confession in the Later Middle Ages (Corvina)

Organizer: Stephen Mossman, University of Manchester

Chair: Lezlie Knox, Marquette University


Confessors, Cura monialium, and the Growth of Observant Reform

Kathryne Beebe, University of North Texas

The Complete Confession in the Fourteenth Century: Difficulties, Dangers, and Anxiety

Nicole Archambeau, Colorado State University

Confession, Discernment, and Anticlericalism: Rulman Merswin (1307-82)

Stephen Mossman, University of Manchester


35. The Long Shadow of the Roman Empire (Grouper)

Chair: David Rohrbacher, New College of Florida


Bishops, Barbarians, and Remembering the Past in Late Antiquity

Ralph Mathisen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Observations on Materia Medica in the Early Medieval Middle East

Michael Decker, University of South Florida

The Last Byzantine Army in Italy: Aspects of the Hohenstaufen-Laskarid Alliance

Jeff Brubaker, Nazareth College


36. Inscribing Religion in Tudor England (Tarpon)

Chair: David Allen Harvey, New College of Florida


University of Victoria McPherson Library’s 1610 Actes and Monuments: A Users’ Guide

Kirsten Schuhmacher, University of California, Davis, and Colin J. Keohane, University of Victoria

Reading Into It: Historic Graffiti in English Parish Churches

Crystal Hollis, University of Exeter

Who Grassed the Cardinal? Identifying the Author of the Denunciation of Cardinal Pole

Raymond A. Powell, Tulsa Community College


37. Depicting the Divine in Italian Church Decoration (Snook)

Chair: Franco Mormando, Boston College


Giotto's Reflections

Alexis Wang, Columbia University

2022 Snyder Prize Winner

Franciscans in the Baptistery: The Case of Parma

Ludovico Geymonat, Louisiana State University

Investigating Alterations: The Morosini Altarpiece in San Francesco della Vigna

Jesse Sullivan, Temple University


38. Dante & the Global Middle Ages (Marlin)

Sponsor: The Dante Society of America

Organizers: Beth Coggeshall, Florida State University, and Mary Watt, University of Florida

Chair: Beth Coggeshall


The Taste of Home: Cookbooks and Culinary Culture in Dante’s Works

Danielle Callegari, Dartmouth University

Charting the World with the Commedia: Dante and Geographical Literature

Laura Ingallinella, Wellesley College

A Mediterranean Dante? Reading the Comedy Against the Tide

Andrea Celli, University of Connecticut


39. Virtues and Vices in Insular Literature (Tarpon)

Chair: Daniel Murtaugh, Florida Atlantic University


Cath Maige Tuired: Justice and Kingship in Medieval Ireland

Kate Broderick, independent scholar

Emotions and Vengeance in Ulster Cycle Death Tales

Jennifer Knight, University of South Florida

Glittering Letters & Sinful Illustrations: The Early Medieval Illustrated Psychomachia in England

Stephenie McGucken, University of Tampa


40. Affective Piety: Representation, Reflection, and Performance (Corvina)

Chair: Kathryne Beebe, University of North Texas


When Pain Becomes Love for God: The Self as Non-Object

Roni Naor-Hofri, University of York and Tel Aviv University

Margery Kempe, Clerical Authority, and the Intricacies of Faith

Katherine Crassons, Lehigh University

Seeing through the Isenheim Crucifixion (ca. 1516) (withdrawn)

Jerry Angelo Marino, independent scholar


41. Roundtable: Renaissance Poetry and the Structures of Emotion (Grouper)

Sponsor: International Sidney Society

Organizer: Roger Kuin, York University


Mercy, Pity, and Grace in Sidney’s Fictive Worlds

Joel Davis, Stetson University

From ‘Drab’ to Romance in Elizabethan Poetics

Steven May, Emory University

Suave and Smooth: Sidney and the Cosmopolitan Voice

Robert Stillman, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Affective Ethics in Philip Sidney’s ‘Old’ Arcadia

Andrew Strycharski, Florida International University

Jealousy’s Shakespearean Socialization in The Faerie Queene

Bradley Tuggle, University of Alabama


42. Women Imagined in Italian Art (Tarpon)

Chair: Werner Gundersheimer, Folger Shakespeare Library


The Early Female Audience of Donatello’s Judith and Holofernes

Dana Hogan, Duke University

2020 Snyder Prize Winner

Dancing in Stone: Choreographic Imagination in Giambologna’s Rape of a Sabine Woman (withdrawn)

Kate Hallstead, University of Washington

Narrative and Redemption in Diana Scultori’s Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery (1575)

Lacy J. Gillette, Florida State University


43. Roundtable: Dante as World Author? (Marlin)

Sponsor: Dante Society of America

Organizers: Beth Coggeshall, Florida State University, and Mary Watt, University of Florida

Chair: Mary Watt


Universal, Historical, Expressive: Three Levels of the Appropriation of Dante’s Oeuvre in Latin America

Jorge Wiesse Rebagliati, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima

Problematizing Dante as World Author

Jacob Blakesley, University of Leeds

Se quel che s'inizia: Canonizing Dante and Ossifying the Commedia

Catherine Adoyo, George Washington University

Empire or Decolonized World? Approaches to a Global Dante

Akash Kumar, Indiana University


44. Renaissance Humanism: Ideology and Application (Snook)

Chair: Lisa Lillie, Maryville University of St Louis


Symbolic Epigraphy and the New Rome: Humanist Capitals on the Tomb of Leonardo Bruni

Noah Dasinger, University of Georgia

History to Serve the State: A Humanist Defense of Venetian Foreign Policy in 1467

Seth A. Parry, Belhaven University

Reformation and the Res publica Christiana: Images of Unity and the Legacy of Leo X

Elizabeth McCahill, University of Massachusetts, Boston


45. Literature and Law in Medieval and Renaissance Spain (Corvina)

Chair: David Arbesú, University of South Florida


Foundations, Translations, and Authority in Alfonso X’s Estoria de España

Bretton Rodriguez, University of Nevada, Reno

The Fury of God: Fernando de Antequera’s Aggressive Strategy against Granada, 1406–10

Sam Claussen, California Lutheran University

Devils, Lawyers, and Gingers: Representing the Other in Francisco de Quevedo’s “La hora de todos”

Matt Michel, University of Florida


46. The Shape of Belief, Then and Now (Grouper)

Chair: Bradley Tuggle, University of Alabama


Fortune and the Anxious Tudor Humanist: An Assessment of Thomas Starkey (withdrawn)

Robert W. Haynes, Texas A&M International University

The “Meditation”: Lock vs. Norton, Round 3

Steven William May, Emory University

Shakespeare, Papal, Temporal Power, Regicide, and Tyrannicide

Arthur Marotti, Wayne State University